Sex And The Slutty

An American girl from Long Island blames ‘Sex and the City’ for losing her virginity at just 14 Year Old, she said:

“When you’re that age you try to emulate people on TV. Carrie smoked, so I smoked, Samantha looked at hooking up with random people as not a big deal, so that’s what I did too. It wasn’t ‘Sex and the City’s’ fault. I love the show, but I think it made it a little easier to justify my behaviour.”

Shortly after she snuck into a bar and in just a week cheated on her boyfriend with seven other men, and SATC character Samantha, her idol, is to blame, ‘Lisa’ (Not her real name) is now 22, is living in Utah and happily married after converting to Mormonism, and is still a fan of the show.

I asked the girls at Flecking if they felt the show had influenced them in any way – “only to buy shoes” was the reply.

Also Sarah Jessica Parker, who plays SATC star Carrie, was voted least sexiest woman alive by Maxim magazine, she was dubbed ‘least sexiest woman in a group if unsexy women’. Harsh.
This blow couldn’t have come at a worse time with all the rumours flying around about Ferris Bueller cheating on her.

Second place went to Amy-Oh my god it’s coming straight for us-Winehouse who was was criticised for her “haemorrhaging translucent skin, rat’s nest mane and lashes that look more like surgically attached bats”.

We agree Amy is looking a bit rough (read: minging) but SJP certainly doesn’t deserve the ‘award’. It’s typical behaviour of a lads spank-mag to draw attention to the bad points of women. We think Cosmopolitan should do a ‘least sexiest men in the world’ poll.

Heck, we might even do it our selves.

JoG & FG