Nicole Richie prefers comfort over style!!

Nicole Richie Hangs With Fellow Dance Class Mommy's!Once classed as one of the worlds ‘Best Dressed’ Nicole Richie has said that after having children she considers comfort to be more important than style!!

We guess it’s ‘Practical Parenting’ taking hold but it’s still shocking to us that one of the first things to be dismissed by the star are heels!
Shocking but true, Nicole admitted that she would never consider wearing impractical items like 7′ heels EVER AGAIN!

In a recent interview she told The Observer “Having great personal style shouldn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort. This has become even more important to me since having children. There’s absolutely no way I’m ever going to go out wearing 7′ heels again.”

Further to that shocking statement Nicole continued to say that she had modelled her outfits on her parents’ style! “I used to pillage my mum’s closet, and my dad’s costume designer made miniature versions of his looks for me,” she said. “It’s great to include costumes and dramatic vintage in your wardrobe.” Hmmm….!