More leaked photos: Zac Efron holds hands with a boy & Vanessa Hudgens kisses a girl?

Leaked photos have hit the net – allegedly of Vanessa Hudgens kissing a girl.

These photos come the week after a report that claims ex boyfriend Zac Efron was spotted holding hands, and apparently flirting, with a fella.

“I was shocked at how relaxed and open Zac was with this guy,” a source told the National Enquirer.

“He walked around, talking to him, smiling and holding his hand right in front of everyone, including Vanessa.”

“People were wondering whether it was a stunt to make Vanessa jealous. But truthfully, Zac seemed really into this guy. It was bizarre.”

Well now, new leaked photos of what appears to show Vanessa kissing a girl in one, and totally nude in another, have surfaced.

“Apparently in the newly leaked alleged photos, Vanessa had a steamy make-out session one night a while back with fellow actress Alexa Nikolas, and then got naked on webcam.” reports ZackTaylor.

Click here to see the photos, and then the NSFW link to see the rest.