Liza Minnelli is single & loving it

Liza Minnelli is happy being a single lady.

The singer, who has been married four times (once to David Gest – we’d be happy being single too), is content with her life, despite not being loved up.

“I don’t have somebody telling me to ‘Be quiet!’ There’s none of that in my life any more. It’s just so wonderful not to be tied down. I’ve never been not dating or not with someone or not in love,” she said.

“I thought for a long time that unless you were with somebody you weren’t accepted.”

While Liza says she won’t marry again, she would like three men (of varying ages) in her life.

“I intend to have a 17 year old whose name I don’t know right? I intend to have a 35 year old who’s an intellectual and marvelous to talk to,” she said.

“And I intend to also have a guy who’s about 93 with one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel. What else can I say? There are some people who weren’t meant to be married and it’s very difficult for a female star.”

Liza, we like your style!