10 Reasons To Love… Adam Lambert (and a whole lotta love from his fans)

“Adam Lambert enriches my life because he is living his own life to the fullest. It’s truly inspiring. Look what he’s done with a chance. Look where he’s gone with a dream.” – Audrie G

“I love that he is so open and honest about his personality because it really brings the fans closer to him. It’s like we’re all his personal friends and he doesn’t want to shut anybody out. That’s probably the Biggest reason why I love him so much.” – lanilambert

“He is a positive person and very brave. He chooses to be himself when that is not the popular or even the smart thing to do, he is open and defiantly proud of who he is, even in the face of extreme hatred from some and just plain BS from many others.” – LisaW

“Adam Lambert turned the lights on and continues to inspire and enlighten me every day.His music makes me feel better. Listening to him makes me happy.It’s as simple as that.” – MonaBegonia

“He inspires me to be more outspoken about those things that I feel are important: Basic Human Rights, Marriage Equality for all, the right of everyone to expect to be treated with Dignity in every aspect of their lives. To live a compassionate life. To see the positives in every situation and to forge ahead in spite of the roadblocks life puts in my way. To smile in the face of criticism. To promote love where there is hate. To dance my cares away. To trust the Universe.” – glitzylady

“I love Adam Lambert because he is not perfect! Because he stumbles, picks himself up, takes the positive from it and keeps on going.” – carolinalady

“He has brought so many together who would otherwise have never met.” – Christina

“I Love that Adam made me more open minded. I come from a very conservative Christian family and being gay to pretty much my whole family except my parents is very wrong. So be it. I loved Adam and I wasn’t afraid to talk about him despite the rude comments from family members. ” – Kathryn17