Zac Efron gets shot, does drugs & visits strip club in new film

Zac Efron will be playing a bit of a bad boy in The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman. have got hold of the script, and are reporting that it’s full of drugs, guns, Romanian thugs, betrayal and blackmail.

It was recently reported that Zac would be replacing Shia LaBeouf in the flick, and High School Musical it ain’t.

“Plot: Zac plays Charlie Countryman, a guy in his 20s who has to take his mother off life support after she slips into a coma. Throughout the movie Charlie pops pills and does ecstasy, both of which make him hallucinate. While hallucinating, the spirit of his mother, Mary, tells him to travel to Romania. On his flight to Budapest, the man next to him dies. The spirit of that man asks him to find his daughter Gabi, and deliver a Chicago Cubs batting helmet to her. Charlie falls in love with Gabi, a heroin addict cello player and former stripper, whose ex-husband Nigel physically and sexually abuses her. Nigel is also a crime boss, who is fighting with another crime boss Draco over a tape of him committing genocide. Charlie tries to save Gabi from Nigel multiple times, to his detriment, and the movie is about the physical and emotional challenges he faces in the name of love.”

They also pointed out some notable moments.

“Gabi shoots Charlie in the opening scene, where he is held dangling over a bridge by two thugs.

Charlie drops F-bombs throughout the film, gets tased, does ecstasy multiple times, gets hit by a taxi, and has sex with two different girls.

Charlie and two of his friends, one of whom is a male porn star, go to a strip club (Zac already has research on this) and can’t afford their bill so they are threatened by Draco, the club manager.

Charlie gets upset when a Hungarian gas station attendant says he doesn’t speak English and Charlie holds a gun up to his head to force him to speak. He is caught on tape terrorizing the attendant, and then goes to jail for it.

Gabi, the girl Charlie is in love with, is holding a genoicde tape hostage from Nigel and Draco’s thugs in order to use it for blackmail.

Nigel, Gabi’s ex-husband, rapes Gabi after drugging her with heroin, and tapes Charlie’s eyes open so he is forced to watch as torture.”