Coming out gained Ricky Martin followers

Ricky Martin’s Twitter followers shot up when he came out.

The gay singer spoke about it at Saturday night’s GLAAD Media Awards.

“I’ve been through an intense spiritual process for the last five years, especially the last two years,” he said.

“I needed to share it with the world.

“My twitter account went from 500,000 to 1.8 million [followers]!”

Speaking about being given the Vito Russo Award, honoring gay and lesbian entertainers, he said: “I’m walking today with my head up high, and to be here? To be receiving an award? I’ve only started,” he said.

“Let’s share the love! Let’s go to Mexico! Let’s go to Columbia! Let’s go to Argentina! Let’s go to Chile! Let’s go to Brazil! We need you GLAAD — we need you down there,”

“I can help, I can do it! I’ll be part of it. I want to be part of it.”