McFly album review

The Guardian had some pretty positve things to say last week in their review of McFly’s album Radio:Active. Part of the review reads “times have changed indeed when even boy bands opt to leave major labels and set up their own operations….as a declaration of independence, Radio:Active does them proud.” Credibility has always been something McFly struggled with, but when this review compares them with Supergrass we think maybe they’re getting there.

What a shame Tom had to ruin it this week with confessions that he Googles himself!!

According to “it is never cool to admit Googling oneself; even less so to admit you care about what you find. But 23-year-old Fletcher has no desire to be hip.”
“He has long resigned himself to the Gary Barlow role – least fancied (though that’s changing, according to Poynter, who says Fletcher’s recent weight loss has put him ‘on the rise'”

Awww bless… form an orderly queue ladies (behind us!!)

Photo (c) Shirlaine Forrest