James Bourne has had two girlfriends…

… and he wants everyone to know about it.

We’ve stumbled upon a fabulous website called Who’s Dated Who?. In case you can’t guess, the site is an database of who has dated who in the celebrity world.
The celebrity world, and clearly a couple of other people who seem to have sneaked in there.

Bourne and an unnamed ex.

The site lists James Bourne as having dated Kara Tointon (2002-2005) and Gabriela Lucia (2006-Now).
Click here to see James’ profile on the site.

There are rumours flying around at the moment that James and Gabriela are engaged after fans noticed her Facebook relationship status change. If it’s true congratulations to the pair, but don’t believe everything you read on Facebook – for 6 months mine said I was married to a woman.

And of course, we’re not suggesting Bourne made the profile for himself, he’s far too busy for that.