Robert Pattinson has trouble trusting people

Robert Pattinson doesn’t know who to trust these days.

Since finding mega fame playing vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight flicks, Rob is more cautious when it comes to making friends with people.

“I miss meeting new people,” the 24-year-old said. “It sounds weird to say that as an actor, but I’m talking about really getting to know someone. Usually I ask myself whether I can really trust someone and that’s why most of my acquaintances stay rather superficial.”

The fact that Robert is so well known makes it hard to go out and about, but it wasn’t a problem for his recently.

“The other day at a dinner. I was told I would be sitting next to a table with 18 people and my first thought was, ‘Great, probably a mob of teenagers.’ But it was 18 Asian children and they didn’t know who I was. It was the most relaxed dinner I’ve had in ages.” he said.